Section 1, Wallet Preparation
Section 2, Profile: Receive/Update the Credit Score
Section 3, Vault: Unlock the CREDA Token
Section 4, Profile: Mint c-NFT
Section 5, Bank: Mine CREDA Token
Section 1: Wallet Preparation
Add Arbitrum One Network
- Click on the Account button
- Go to Settings
- Click on Networks
- Click on Add Network
- Fill in the details as below then “Save”
Network:Arbitrum One
Chain ID:42161
Currency Symbol:ETH
Block Explorer URL:
Add CREDA token and SLP token in your Metamask
If your token is not listed automatically, you may add the tokens manually. On your account page, scroll down to find the Add Token button.
Click on the Custom Token
Enter the token address in Token Address
Click Next to proceed
Click Add Token to confirm
USDT-CREDA SUSHI LP Address: 0x2F73FB16933585Ba089100C05561D58FD342bDf5
CREDA Token Address: 0xc136E6B376a9946B156db1ED3A34b08AFdAeD76d
Section 2: Receive/Update Credit Score
Access the CreDA App by typing into your browser
Go to “Profile” at the top right of your screen and connect your wallet on Arbitrum .
Click “Approve” to allow the CreDA protocol to access your wallet.
Click “Get Score” to get your Credit Score that is associated with your wallet address
You can“Sync” your wallet to update your credit score based on your more recent activity.
Tip: Do not Sync your Credit Score right after having obtained your Credit Score for the first time (i.e. step 4 above). Nothing will change as your financial activity/positions haven’t changed and you’re applying unnecessary gas charges.
Note: Credit Oracle is to be upgraded soon where your Credit Score will be automatically updated. It the interim, you should avoid updating your credit score too often in order to avoid unnecessary gas charges)
Once users receive/update the credit score, user will find the locked CREDA token rewards which is shown below the credit score.
Tip: CreDA token in locked status is not tradable/transferable. Users need provide liquidity and stake pool tokens to unlock your creda token (as shown in Section 3).
The upper limit of the total locked CREDA token the user can get is the same as the number of the credit score. Each user (wallet address) can claim 10 percent of the upper limit as initial rewards during the soft launch.
Section 3: Unlock the CREDA TOKEN
Go to Vault after claiming locked CREDA, the amount of locked CREDA will show in the locked amount.
Click “Get LP” and provide the CREDA liquidity on SushiSwap (Arbitrum) to unlock CREDA.
Buy CREDA in Sushiswap (Arbitrum). If you already have CREDA in an unlocked status, please skip this step (unless you want to increase your LP stake relative to the unlocked CREDA balance available in your wallet)
Provide CREDA/USDT liquidity on Sushiswap (Arbitrum)
After confirming the liquidity, you will see a confirmation page as below. Click “Confirm the Supply”. You may first be asked by SushiSwap to approve the contract. Please approve this request and then “Confirm Supply”
After providing the USDT-CREDA liquidity, you will receive USDT-CREDA Pool tokens in your wallet. Please refer to Section 1.3 above if you do not see “SLP” token in your wallet. Click on “Approve” and then “Stake” to stake CREDA/USDT LP
Providing CREDA/USDT liquidity gradually releases, or “unlocks”, your CREDA.
Users will find the amount of unlocked CREDA shown as below.
Claim your unlocked CREDA. (Tip: The limit of the claimable CREDA token per day is 50 percent of the total locked amount)
Section 4 Profile: Mint cNFT
On the Profile tab on the right, click “Mint” to mint the cNFT.
Tip: When users have more than 1 unlocked CREDA token and their credit rating is above 50, users are eligible to “Mint” their cNFT.
After the cNFT is minted, users will have more locked creda to be claimed as shown below. Please follow the steps in Section 3 above if you want to unlock more CREDA tokens.
Users can also upgrade the cNFT with unlocked CreDA token.
Tip: Users can pay CREDA tokens to upgrade the cNFT they already own. The higher the NFT’s level, the more privileges it has, i.e. users will be granted with privileges such as more favorable interest rate in My Bank, participate in the DAO governance (coming soon).
Section 5: Mine CREDA Token
Go to “My Bank” and determine which currency pool and DeFi platform you would like to mine. Examples may include USDT or USDC via WePiggy
Click “Approve” and then “Deposit” to deposit on your selected currency.
Tip: Once the Borrow functionality is live on CreDA (coming soon), users will receive both the interest and unlocked CREDA token rewards with their lending.
Go to “Vault” and click “Approve” and then “Stake” CPUSDT/CPUSDC/CPDAI/CPwBTC. Users receive locked CREDA rewards via these mining pools
Users will find the claimable rewards (locked CREDA) as below. Refer to the steps in “unlock the CREDA rewards” if you want to unlock it.
For active conversation and troubleshooting any CreDA App issues, please go to one of the following social channels
Telegram Community: