CreDA’s AmbassaBirds Program

7 min readFeb 28, 2022


Are we a flock? A murder? A gaggle or a coronation? We’re AmbassaBirds!

There are endless names for groupings of birds. But one thing is for certain, ‘birds of a feather flock together’, so join in on the action in Discord and you could be rewarded with the coveted ‘Golden Goose Egg’ as well as monthly nest eggs of $CREDA.

What’s going on?

To reward and grow our amazing community, we’re inviting members to take an active role in spreading the word and engaging across platforms beyond our official channels. We’re looking for content creators and crypto socialites to help spread the news about CreDA and become CreDA ambassador.

What can you do?

We’re looking for community members to write articles on blogs, Medium and Reddit, post on social media, and engage other like-minded communities. Create videos and artwork, reviews, and help with the necessary translations. Help on further growth of CreDA discord community. You can also get involved by working together to brainstorm ideas that drive usage and promote CreDA to the world.

What are the criteria?

There are a few guardrails that need to be considered:

  • Quality
    The content produced and shared needs to be of good quality. That means it needs to be accurate, as consistent with our brand guidelines as possible, convincing, and well-designed.
  • Engagement
    The more people see and engage with your content, the better chances for rewards. This can be quantified in views, likes, retweets etc. But again the point about quality remains, so a niche following of DeFi coders is more valuable than a large ‘bounty hunter’ following. So numbers matter, but the quality of those numbers matters too.
  • Referrals
    The ultimate goal of our Ambassador Program is to build our community, most specifically on Discord. So we will be tracking invites from members throughout the course of the month.
  • Creativity
    We like to fly outside the V if you know what we mean. So creativity counts!
  • Honesty
    Don’t make anything up, or make claims in any content that isn't accurate. If you’re unsure, ask.
  • Be respectful, don’t spam, and no bots!
    We want people to become interested in CreDA, not hate us. Be mindful of the audience you’re engaging and try to keep from being overly promotional. Bots aren’t allowed — you will be disqualified!
  • Ask for help
    The CreDA admin team and Moderators are available to provide assistance and resources to help you succeed.
  • Terms and Conditions
    By participating in the CreDA AmbassaBirds program, you agree to our terms and conditions. Please read carefully before participating.

So what’s the loot?

CreDA Ambassador Badges

There are five reward categories, each with its own Discord badge that you can wear proudly for the month. Each badge comes with its own $CREDA payout. The ultimate prize is the Golden Goose Egg! Here are the details on how they will be determined.

Word Bird

Prize for best published article each month

Word Bird Badges

Each new month a strategic theme will be given by the CreDA team that aligns to a strategic objective. Only articles that fit the monthly theme will be eligible for a chance to win. You can submit your work to ✍│word-bird channel on discord. Effective from May onwards, CreDA team will decide the best submission out of all eligible received and announce monthly winner (Gold Word Bird). Next best 5 submissions will be sent to our 🎯┃polls discord channel for community voting to decide the 2nd and 3rd best (Silver and Bronz Word Bird). Voting will be open for a period of 48h. The ones with the most reactions (upvotes) win.

Articles will be scored based on a 25 point system.

  • Location: Where they were published (1–5 points depending on if they are on tier 1 news or influential blogs vs. on your mom’s Facebook).
  • Sharing: How much they were shared (1–5 points relative to the other entries that month).
  • Engagement: how many comments and discussions they created (1–5).
  • Creativity: non-typical channels, non-English translations, guest posts, etc. (1–5)
  • Relevance: how close did they stick to the month’s theme (1–5). See the monthly theme here.


  • 1st place — 150 $CREDA + Badge: Gold Word Bird
  • 2nd place — 90 $CREDA + Badge: Silver Word Bird
  • 3rd place — 60 $CREDA + Badge: Bronze Word Bird

Bird Caller

Prize for social media engagement that drives engagement and followers.

Bird Caller Badges

Each new month we will track the social media activity linked to a specific Twitter hashtag, tagging, the highest number of retweets and replies based on the given theme of the month by CreDA team. You can show your work and progress within 📣│bird-caller channel.

Points will be awarded based on retweets, shares, comments, and referrals.


  • 1st place — 100 $CREDA + Badge: Gold Bird Caller
  • 2nd place — 60 $CREDA + Badge: Silver Bird Caller
  • 3rd place — 40 $CREDA + Badge: Bronze Bird Caller

Fancy Bird

Prize for best creative visual content each month.

Fancy Bird Badges

Each new month a theme will be given out by the CreDA team aligned to a strategic priority. Graphics, videos, photos, art, infographics, memes, NFTs etc. are all welcome. Based on criteria such as creativity, engagement and social sharing. You can submit your creativity within 🦚│fancy-bird channel. Effective from May onwards, CreDA team will decide the best submission out of all eligible received and announce monthly winner (Gold Fancy Bird). Next best 5 submissions will be sent to our 🎯┃polls discord channel for community voting to decide the 2nd and 3rd best (Silver and Bronz Fancy Bird). Voting will be open for a period of 48h. The ones with the most reactions (upvotes) win.

Please note that all creative visual content should try to adhere to our brand guidelines, especially as it pertains to the use of the CreDA logo. Please ask if you are unsure.


  • 1st place — 100 $CREDA + Badge: Gold Fancy Bird
  • 2nd place — 60 $CREDA + Badge: Silver Fancy Bird
  • 3rd place — 40 CREDA + Role: Bronze Fancy Bird

Bird Brain

Monthly prize for winners of our CreDA Quizzes

Bird Brain Badges

We will run 1 quiz per week, each day from Monday to Friday, at 08.00 UTC and 20.00 UTC in 🦜│bird-brain channel, where all our community members on Discord can answer quiz questions.
We might include “Competitive mode” within QuizBot that will help us keep track of your answers in the Discord DM to minimize possible cheating and to offer you a fair chance to win the prizes. QuizBot awards players points for each question they answer correctly with the bot. QuizBot calculates your points per correct answer using the following formula.
points_awarded = max_points - ((max_points - min_points) / time_allowed) * time_taken
Answering a question wrong always awards 0 points. Participants that end the month with the highest score on the QuizBot leaderboard are the winners.

  • 1st place — 100 $CREDA + Badge: Gold Bird Brain
  • 2nd place — 60 $CREDA + Role: Silver Bird Brain
  • 3rd place — 40 $CREDA + Role: Bronze Bird Brain

Golden Goose Egg

Monthly overall prize for winners of our Discord invite competition

As we continue to grow our community, we want to attract users who see the value in CreDA and share our vision for giving the world credit where it’s due. That’s why we are running a monthly Discord invite competition. There will be only 1 winner each month, a community member who invited and brought the most new members to our CreDA Discord server.

The invite counter will be reset at the start of each new month and Invite leaderboard will be always visible in 🥚│golden-goose-egg channel.
We will be tracking the invites from each member through their unique invite code — how many joined and stayed on month-end — so be sure to use your unique invite code before you start.

We have activated a “fake delay” feature on Discord that will only count invites from community members that have accounts over 3 days old. This way we can ensure a more fair and competitive advantage for our existing community members.

Any use of bots or spam approaches will be immediately disqualified and the user will be banned from our server for good! So please, play fair.

  • 1st place — 300 $CREDA + Badge: Golden Goose

Special Prize for the first month!

For the first month of the Ambassador Program and to celebrate the launch, the Golden Goose Egg winner will also win a CreDA Tiger #1 Special Edition NFT.

CreDA Tiger #1 Special Edition

Join the CreDA Discord, create some content. Climb the pecking order and start earning your badges!

Go AmbassaBirds!




CreDA is the world’s first decentralized credit rating service based on users’ on-chain data